Fishing bait Lin, Karaś

Fishing bait Lin, KaraśFishing bait Lin, Karaś

Baits for Rope, Baits on Karasia available in packs of 1 and 3 kilograms

Raw material composition: cereal grains, bakery products, confectionery, fragrances and flavors.

Lin Product Details, Karaś

Thanks to the special fragrance-flavor composition and careful dissuasive ment of the components, MCKarp baits are extremely effective. They are recommended for both amateur and players. The baits can be mixed together in any proportion in order to ideally adapt them to the depth of the fishery, the water current, the color of the bottom and the species of fish present. For a better effect in deeper waters or waters with a strong tow, glue or bait clay should be added.

Fishing ground Black roach

Fishing ground Black roachFishing ground Black roach

Groundbait Black roach available in 1 kilogram packages

Fiber content: cereal grain, bakery products, confectionery, aroma and flavor additives.

Product details Roach black

Thanks to the special aroma-flavored composition and careful roasting of components, the MCKarp groundbaits are extremely effective. They are recommended for both amateur anglers and competitors. Waterslowers can be mixed with each other in any proportion in order to ideally adjust them to the depth of the fishery, the current of the water, the color of the bottom and the occurring fish species. For better effect in deeper waters or in waters with strong pull, add adhesive or ground bait.

Fishing tackle Bream Brasem

Fishing tackle Bream BrasemFishing tackle Bream Brasem

Groundbaits for Leszcza "Brasem" available in 1 and 3 kilogram packages

Fiber content: cereal grain, bakery products, confectionery, aroma and flavor additives.

Product details groundbaise Bream Bream

Thanks to the special aroma-flavored composition and careful roasting of components, the MCKarp groundbaits are extremely effective. They are recommended for both amateur anglers and competitors. Waterslowers can be mixed with each other in any proportion in order to ideally adjust them to the depth of the fishery, the current of the water, the color of the bottom and the occurring fish species. For better effect in deeper waters or in waters with strong pull, add adhesive or ground bait.

Fishing tackle – Carp halibut

Fishing tackle - Carp halibutFishing tackle – Carp halibut

Carp fishing groundbaits are available in 1 and 3 kilogram packages

Fiber content: cereal grain, bakery products, confectionery, aroma and flavor additives.

Product detail: halibut carp

Thanks to the special aroma-flavored composition and careful roasting of components, the MCKarp groundbaits are extremely effective. They are recommended for both amateur anglers and competitors. Waterslowers can be mixed with each other in any proportion in order to ideally adjust them to the depth of the fishery, the current of the water, the color of the bottom and the occurring fish species. For better effect in deeper waters or in waters with strong pull, add adhesive or ground bait.


Dumbells-Enlarged MCKARP offer for 2018.

DumbellsDescription of the Dumbellsów tester:
Dumbellsy in Roymiarze 8mm, these are top-shelf products manufactured from specially selected ingredients which allow for excellent work on any fishery.
While testing these products, I found out how important quality is!
I definitely liked the sweet fragrances that are on offer. This is Pineapple, strawberry, mulberry, chocolate, tutti fruti.

I would like to add that chocolate is produced from the natural chocolate aroma.
Surely the biggest killer turned out to be dumbbelsy bream, Lin, Karaś, which did a great job during the tests.
As for the aromas of "Śmierdziuchów" it is sure that each of you will find something for everyone.
The aromatic notes which are in this category include halibut, Ochotka, krill, fish.
The offer also Dumbellsy Flou.

MCKARP company also has plans to release a series of Dumbelsow pop ups.
I think that each of us who depends on great results over the water should equip itself with lures from the top-shelf.
I would also like to add that in the care of us anglers, the company also took care of the freshness of products during the season. The point is that each package is sealed with a special film that will keep our lures in freshness throughout the season.
Packaging in which we can meet Dumbbelsy is: 30g and 70g.
Anyone who tries this series of baits will surely be very pleased with the effects on which our fishermen most depends.